Are You Being Fed
A Load Of Bullshit?
You Are If You Subscribe To Searchlight:
A Documented Exposé Of
Gerry Gable’s
Error-prone, Lie-ridden,

by Alexander Baron

“Searchlight remains the media’s first port of call for detailed information about the far right.” – Denis Campbell, the Guardian, page 15, 29th September, 1986.

“But not for much longer.” Alexander Baron, 10th September, 1993.

The author: Alexander Baron is an independent researcher based in South East London. He is a member of NUJ London Freelance branch and a subscriber to the Libertarian Alliance.

To the reader: Although this work is my unaided effort and any errors of fact or interpretation are entirely my own, large sections of it are based on researches made in conjunction with my fellow Libertarian and researcher Mark Taha. Indeed, without his inspiration and unwavering support – all of it unpaid – this project would never have been conceived, much less completed. We had been researching a book on Searchlight, but due to circumstances beyond our control, mainly financial, the project has had to be put on ice. My deepest thanks and appreciation go to my good friend and collaborator.

Alexander Baron,
16th September, 1993
updated March 1st, 1994
and February 24th, 1995

Introduction April 6th, 2002

Copyright Alexander Baron, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 2002.

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