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TNT, January 4-10, 2011, page 4.

This is a weird one; Taha gave me only a torn out page, presumably pages 3-4 of January 4-10/Issue 1427. Although this is definitely 2011, I found a copy on the Web, the front cover of which is dated January 3-9 2011 Issue 1427, although the relevant pages, 3 & 4, are the same as the scan. I also found another dated January 10-16 2011/Issue 1428. Make of that what you will.

For Bowler Dessert, Winter 2010/2011, see end of previous file

London Metro, Monday, January 6, 2011, page 50.

(The above is not a scan but a screengrab from the on-line PDF e-edition. When it was first entered I said it appeared on page 60 of the e-edition and page 65 of the hard copy. On checking and double checking, I realised this was a double error - I got it wrong and so did Taha. The letter appears on the same page in both the e-edition and the hard copy, ie page 50).

The Sun, January 12, 2011, page 43
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

No, dear reader, this is not a mistake, nor do your eyes deceive you; this letter ↑↓ was published on consecutive days. Taha brought me the hard copy of both. They can’t keep up with this pillock either.

The Sun, January 13, 2011, page 45
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

London Metro, Monday, January 17, 2011, page 48
(This is not a scan but a screengrab of the on-line PDF e-edition).

Daily Mirror, January 19, 2011
According to NewsUK, this was page 47; no use asking this idiot!

Times Educational Supplement, January 21, 2011, page 29.

Daily Telegraph, January 24, 2011, page 5.
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).
The subject was Readers respond to Danny Blanchflower’s letter last week on the desirability of inflation.

Evening Standard, January 26, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Standpoint, January/February, 2011, Issue 29, page 14.

Socialist Worker, Issue: 2238 dated: 12 February 2011
(A screengrab from the on-line version).

Daily Telegraph, February 14, 2011, page 4.
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Sunday Telegraph, February 20, 2011, page 23.
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

The Times Educational Supplement, February 25, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

The Sunday Times (London), March 6, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK). Taha informs me that his letter begins from “Rebels with a cause” and ends with his signature.

West End Extra, March 18, 2011
Taha shows his compassionate side (for once); this is a screengrab from the paper’s website.

TNT, March 21, 2011
A response to a letter from ‘Mark’.

West End Extra, March 25, 2011
This is a screengrab from the paper’s website.

Evening Standard, March 25, 2011.

The Sunday Telegraph, March 27, 2011, page 23.
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

The Sun, March 28, 2011, page 39
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Camden New Journal, 31 March, 2011
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Ripperana, No. 76, April 2011, pages 8-9

Camden New Journal, 7 April, 2011
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

London Evening Standard, April 7, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsBank)

Socialist Worker, No 2246 9 April 2011, page 9.
(Taha brought me the hard copy, but this is from the paper’s website).

The Express, (ie Daily Express) April 12, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsBank). See below for the original.

The Express, (ie Daily Express) April 12, 2011, page 26.

Evening Standard, (London), April 13, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsBank).

Boxing News, April 14, 2011, page 8.

Daily Telegraph, April 18, 2011

West End Extra, April 28, 2011
(The above is a screengrab from the paper’s website).

The Canada Post, May 2011, page 8.

Friends Of The Chalet School, Issue 92, May 2011

The Daily Telegraph, (London), May 6, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Independent, May 11, 2011
(The above is a Web version).

The Daily Telegraph, (London), May 14, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

West End Extra, May 20, 2011
This is a screengrab from the paper’s website.

Inside Soap, May 21, 2011, page 96

New Statesman, May 23, 2011
A screengrab from the magazine’s website.

London Metro, June 10, 2011, page 53.

Times Educational Supplement, July 15, 2011

The Sun, July 18, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Evening Standard, July 18, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).
And this ↓ below is the hard copy.

Daily Mail, July 27, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Times Educational Supplement, July 29, 2011

Evening Standard, August 4, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).
And this ↓ below is the hard copy.

The Sun, August 26, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Times Educational Supplement, August 26, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version.

Sunday Mirror, September 4, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Sunday Telegraph, September 4, 2011
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Daily Telegraph, September 16, 2011
Taha says the address, South Harrow, must be a misprint
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

I’ve Said It Before..., September 22, 2011

The above is a letter from a book, a collection of unpublished letters to the Daily Mail; Mark discovered it by chance in September 2014; it is scanned here from a library book.

Daily Mail, September 29, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Sunday Times, October 2, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

London Metro, October 12, 2011

Camden New Journal, October 13, 2011
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

The Express, October 14, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK) and below, from the actual paper

Boxing News, October 20, 2011, page 8

TNT Magazine, October 17-23, 2011, Issue 1468, page 16.
(The above is a screengrab - two screengrabs to be precise - from a magazine website:


Scottish Sun, October 20, 2011. Or just plain Sun; this is from the version as published in Scotland; the letter also appears in the London edition. A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK) - see also below.

The Sun, October 20, 2011, page 47.

Evening Standard, October 24, 2011

Sun, November 10, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Evening Standard, November 10, 2011
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK); the hard copy is below.

Evening Standard, November 10, 2011

Guardian, November 29, 2011
I would not usually include Mark’s unpublished letters here, but this one found its way into the CAC Archive which at the time of writing (May 2014) I am scanning.

Standpoint, December 2011, Issue 38, page 16.

NEW STATESMAN, 19 DECEMBER 2011-1 JANUARY 2012, page 8.

Independent, December 21, 2011

Permission To Speak, Sir!, Winter 2011

The above is the magazine of the Dad’s Army Appreciation Society. The front cover and the entire page on which Taha’s letter appears have been included.

Letter from Clive Webb, circa 2012

I asked Mark what date he received the above, and all he could say was around 2012. He did not keep a copy of his original. I contacted Professor Webb but for whatever reason he did not reply. As this letter is written from his professional address and is clearly not personal, neither Mark nor myself have any compunction about publishing it.

The Freethinker, January 2012, page 15.

The Sun, January 3, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Taha’s letter actually ends at “Sydenham, SE London”.

Times Educational Supplement, January 6, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version.

The Independent, Saturday, January 7, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website, page 40 in the original.

Evening Standard, January 12, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

This appeared under Academy schools are untested; Taha’s letter begins after the letter by Rob Murrow of N10.

And here is the hard copy: ↑↓

The Sun, January 17, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

Canada Post, Jan-February 2012, page 8

Evening Standard, February 9, 2012
The above was not published.

Sun, February 11, 2012
The above was not published.

The Daily Telegraph, February 17, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK).

The Sunday Telegraph, February 19, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK); a scan from the actual article was added later, immediately below.

The Sunday Telegraph, February 19, 2012

The Sunday Telegraph, February 26, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK), this is a reply to Taha’s letter in the previous week’s paper - see above.


The Freethinker, March 2012

The link above is to a PDF file of page 15 of the March 2012 issue of The Freethinker; it includes a letter from Mark and an unrelated one from Ted Goodman.


Wooster Sauce, Number 61, March 2012, page 23.

Boxing News, March 1, 2012, page 8.

West End Extra, March 2, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Daily Mirror, March 5, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK); the hard copy version is immediately below.

Daily Mirror, March 5, 2012, page 44.

West End Extra, March 9, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Sunday Telegraph, March 11, 2012

Daily Mail, March 18, 2012
This is a response to Taha’s letter of March 11 above
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

Daily Mail, March 22, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)


The Freethinker, April 2012

The link above is to a PDF file of pages 14-5 of the April 2012 issue of The Freethinker; it includes a letter from Diesel Balaam and one from Mark’s former friend Terry Liddle, both of them alluding to him.


New Statesman, April 4, 2012
(The above is from the magazine’s website; below is the same letter from the actual magazine).

New Statesman, 9-22 APRIL 2012, pages 6-7.

Daily Telegraph, April 13, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

Guardian, April 18, 2012
The above was not published.

Boxing News, April 26, 2012, page 8.

Spectator, April 28, 2012

A screengrab from the magazine’s website; the original appeared on page 29. Although this magazine is dated April 28, Taha brought me a photocopy on April 27, and indeed I created this screengrab the same evening.


The Freethinker, May 2012

The link above is to a PDF file of page 15 of the May 2012 issue of The Freethinker; it includes a letter from Mark and one from Bill McIlroy which alludes to him. The former contains a well known misquote of Voltaire.


Ealing Gazette, May 11, 2012

West End Extra, May 18, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Daily Telegraph, May 21, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

Evening Standard, May 31, 2012


The Freethinker, June 2012

The link above is to a PDF file of page 15 of the June 2012 issue of The Freethinker; it includes a letter from Diesel Balaam which alludes to Mark. See previous correspondence for May, April and March issues of the same magazine (above).


Times Educational Supplement, June 1, 2012

Evening Standard, June 11, 2012

Inside Soap, June 16, 2012

Daily Mail, June 18, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

The Sun, June 21, 2012

Daily Telegraph, June 22, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)
Below is a scan from the actual newspaper.

West End Extra, June 22, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

New Statesman, 25 JUNE 2012, page 8.

Times Educational Supplement, June 29, 2012, page 6.

Ripperana, July 2012, No. 81, page 8.

West End Extra, July 6, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Independent, July 7, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Sunday Times, July 7, 2012

New Statesman, July 9, 2012
This is a response to the letter by Taha, June 25, above.

TNT Magazine, July 9-15, 2012, Issue 1506, page 16.

West End Extra, July 13, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

Boxing News, July 19, 2012, page 7.

The Daily Telegraph, July 20, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

London Metro, July 20, 2012, page 14.
The above is a response to a letter by Taha.

The Sunday Times, July 22, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

New Statesman, July 23, 2012

Independent, August 4, 2012
The above was credited initially as August 3; on June 19, 2013, the screengrab from the on-line version was replaced with this scan of the hard copy.

Evening Standard, August 3, 2012

The Daily Telegraph, August 16, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website

The Sunday Telegraph, September 9, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website

South African Patriot In Exile, No. 37, page 6, circa September 12, 2012
Publications like the above are typically undated. The Taha letter alludes to an article published September 7, 2012.

The Daily Telegraph, September 18, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website

The Daily Telegraph, September 19, 2012

The Times, September 26, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

Sunday Times, September 30, 2012

Times Educational Supplement, October 5, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version; the hard copy is below.

Times Educational Supplement, October 5, 2012

Imagine My Surprise..., page 9, October 5, 2012
The above is from a book of unpublished letters to the Daily Telegraph.

NEIGHBOURS’ PAPER, Issue No 64 Winter 2012, page 11.
The above is some sort of community paper in Ealing.

Times Educational Supplement, November 2, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version.

The Sunday Times, November 4, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

The Sun, November 5, 2012
A screengrab from the on-line version (NewsUK)

West End Extra, November 16, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

West End Extra, November 16, 2012
A screengrab from the paper’s website.

The Freethinker, December 2012, page 15.

Independent, December 3, 2012
The above is from the paper’s website. Although it alludes to something published the same day, I am assuming it was published as dated, if not in the actual paper.

Evening Standard, December 3, 2012

Independent, December 4, 2012

The Sun, December 17, 2012
The above is from the NewsUK database; see also acknowledgment for £50.00 prize. The address withheld appears to have been mine!

Camden New Journal, January 10, 2013, page 20.

Daily Mail, January 24, 2013

London Metro, January 25, 2013, page 17.

Boxing News, January 31, 2013, page 6.

Friends of the Chalet School, February 2013, Issue 99
The above PDF contains 9 pages including the front cover

Evening Standard, February 1, 2013

West End Extra, February 8, 2013
(A screengrab from the paper’s website).

Evening Standard, February 8, 2013

Independent, February 14, 2013

West End Extra, February 15, 2013

Evening Standard, February 25, 2013, page 43.

Sunday Mirror, March 10, 2013

Evening Standard, March 11, 2013

West End Extra, March 29, 2013

The Sun, April 11, 2013, page 41

The i, April 15, 2013

Boxing News, April 25, 2013, page 6

The Sun, April 26, 2013, page 43

The i, May 16, 2013, page 6

The Sun, May 17, 2013, page 43

Evening Standard, May 28, 2013

TNT, June 3, 2013, page 14

West End Extra, June 7, 2013, page 6

Times Educational Supplement, June 21, 2013, page 7

London Evening Standard, June 21, 2013, page 67

Letter Stephen Pound MP to Mark Taha, July 3, 2013

Taha has an anecdote he likes to tell about his MP. He ran into him somewhere and they got talking. Obviously Taha didn’t think much of Mr Pound’s opinion and began “My dear chap...” to which Mr Pound replied “Don’t my dear chap me, you patronising cunt.”

Times Educational Supplement, July 5, 2013

Sunday Telegraph, July 7, 2013

(London) Metro, July 8, 2013, page 14

Times Educational Supplement, July 12, 2013

Daily Mail, July 18, 2013, page 63

Times Educational Supplement, July 26, 2013

Permission To Speak, Sir!, Summer 2013
The above PDF file contains the front cover and half of pages 26 & 27.

The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2013
(The above PDF file contains the front cover and two pages).

London Evening Standard, August 5, 2013, page 45

Boxing News, August 15, 2013, page 6

TNT, August 19, 2013, page 16

The i, August 28, 2013, page 14

The Sun, August 29, 2013, page 41

Evening Standard, September 2, 2013, page 45

The Call Boy, SUMMER 2013, Volume 50, No. 2, page 25
Did this pillock really place such an advertisement? I could have told him he would have no response, but he didn’t ask.

TNT Magazine, September 9-15, 2013, Issue 1567, page 16

The Sun, September 10, 2013
The above is from NewsUK.

Evening Standard, September 23, 2013, page 55

Sunday Times, September 29, 2013

Evening Standard, October 3, 2013, page 59

Evening Standard, October 4, 2013, page 51
The above is a reply to Mark’s letter of October 3.

The i, October 8, 2013, page 14

Letter Stephen Pound MP to Mark Taha - the second this year!

Evening Standard, October 16, 2013, page 49

Boxing News, October 17, 2013, page 6

Bowler Dessert, Autumn 2013, Number 77, page 12
The above is the last issue of this magazine; it was probably published earlier but Taha brought it to me in December, so it has been entered at the beginning of the month.

Friends Of The Chalet School, November 2013
The above PDF file contains the front cover and pages 12, 21-5, 27-9.

Evening Standard, November 13, 2013
The above is a response to Taha, and is apparently from page 37.

New Statesman, November 17, 2013, page 11
It never ceases to amaze me that a history graduate could be taken in by this “Oswald was a patsy” garbage.

The i, November 25, 2013, page 14

The Freethinker, December 2013, page 15

The i, December 20, 2013, page 16
See letter below for a response by John Richards of Oxford.

The i, December 21, 2013, page 16
The above is a response to the letter by Taha in the December 20 edition.

The Friar’s Chronicles, Christmas 2013 Volume 31 Number 135
The above are from pages 46 & 47.

Times Educational Supplement, January 3, 2014, page 7

Evening Standard, January 8, 2014

The Sun, January 9, 2014, page 39

Evening Standard, January 9, 2014
The above is a response to the Taha missive of the previous say.

The i, January 14, 2014, page 14

Boxing News, January 16, 2014, page 6

The i, January 17, 2014, page 14

The i, January 18, 2014, page 16
The above is a reply to Taha’s letter of January 17.

The Sun, February 3, 2014

Times Educational Supplement, February 7, 2014

NEW STATESMAN, 14-20 FEBRUARY 2014, page 10

Wooster Sauce, Number 69 March 2014, page 15

Mature Times, March 2014, page 10

Evening Standard, March 5, 2014, page 45

The i, March 19, 2014, page 14

London Metro, March 20, 2014, page 15

Letter from author D.J. Taylor, March 24, 2014


The i, April 3, 2014, page 16

New Statesman, April 4-10, 2014, page 8

The i, April 9, 2014, page 14

New Statesman, 18 APRIL-1 MAY 2014

The Sun, April 24, 2014, page 45

Evening Standard, April 28, 2014, page 55

Evening Standard, May 8, 2014, page 57

Sunday Mirror, May 18, 2014, page 49

The Mail On Sunday, May 18, 2014, page 103

The i, May 19, 2014, page 14

Daily Mirror, May 20, 2014

The i, May 20, 2014
The above are three replies to the Taha missive of May 19, 2014

Sunday Mirror, May 25, 2014
(The above is a response to a Taha missive in the previous issue).

The Mail On Sunday, May 25, 2014, page 95

Boxing News, May 29, 2014, page 6

The Sun, June 4, 2014, page 41
The above was published in the Scottish Sun, taken here from the NewsUK database. Taha didn’t realise it had been published (in the English paper) until he read the reply of June 6, 2014 (below).

Evening Standard, June 5, 2014, page 61
The above is actually a screengrab from the e-edition (West End Final).

The Sun, June 6, 2014, page 45

Evening Standard, June 12, 2014, page 63

Spectator, June 14, 2014, page 31

The Sun, June 16, 2014, page 39

Evening Standard, June 30, 2014, page 53

Ealing Gazette, July 11, 2014, page 14

Evening Standard, July 11, 2014, page 65

Boxing News, July 31, 2014, page 6

Friends Of The Chalet School
The above contains the front cover and correspondence from pages 5, 23, 37 & 38 of the August 2014 issue, Number 105.

West End Extra, August 1, 2014, page 5

Evening Standard, August 18, 2014, page 49

Boxing News, August 21, 2014, page 8

West End Extra, August 22, 2014, page 7

The i, August 30, 2014, page 16

Evening Standard, September 3, 2014, page 48

The Sun, September 22, 2014, page 39

Daily Express, September 19, 2014

New Statesman, September 19-25, 2014, page 10

The Sun, September 26, 2014

The i, September 29, 2014, page 14

The Sun, October 7, 2014, page 37

Inside Soap, ISSUE 40 11-17, OCT 2014
The title of the above magazine can also be rendered InsideSoap; this letter and response is from Request SPOT, page 95

Daily Mail, October 16, 2014, page 63

Daily Mail, October 21, 2014, page 61

Friends Of The Chalet School, November 2014

When Mark visited me on Halloween he brought his copy of the above with him; monthly magazines are often published before the cover date. The above includes the front cover and scans from pages 19, 28, 31-2, 35 & 37 I have included some correspondence from other contributors to show context.

London Old Boys’ Book Club Newsletter, No. 745, November 2014

The whole newsletter has been included. Taha said he has been a member for 29 years but has never had a letter published in it before or even written to it. Which for him is surely a record!

The Sun, November 5, 2014, page 41

The i, November 8, 2014, page 16

Boxing News, November 13, 2014, page 6

The i, November 24, 2014, page 14
(Two in one day again! See below).

Evening Standard, November 24, 2014, page 51

West End Extra, November 28, 2014, page 6

The Friars’ Chronicles, Winter 2014, page 31
The above sees Mark doing his best nutty professor impression.

The Friars’ Chronicles, Winter 2014
(The above PDF file contains the front cover and two pages).

The Sun, December 10, 2014, page 41

Daily Telegraph, December 15, 2014, page 19

Evening Standard, December 17, 2014, page 46

Evening Standard, December 18, 2014, page 65
The above is a response to the Taha missive of December 17.

Ealing Gazette, December 19, 2014, page 14

The i, December 24, 2014, page 14

RIPPERANA, No. 91, JANUARY 2015, page 2
The above was actually published in December 2014.

The Sun, January 1, 2015, page 41

Times Educational Supplement, January 2, 2015, page 19

Evening Standard, January 7, 2015, page 49

SAVE OUR SOLACE CENTRE! from The News Line, January 15, 2015, page 2
The great man is quoted in this article, and he is one of a small group of protesters in the related photograph.

The i, January 23, 2015, page 14

Friends Of The Chalet School, February 2015, front cover and pages 12-4, 16-22, 24, 34 & 42.

Boxing News, February 12, 2015, page 6

The Sun, February 12, 2015, page 43

The i, February 16, 2015, page 14

Evening Standard, February 17, 2015, page 51

Evening Standard, February 24, 2015, page 49

Evening Standard, March 2, 2015, page 55

Evening Standard, March 12, 2015, page 59

The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2015, Volume 33, Number 139, page 47
The above does not have a specific publication date.

The Sun, April 1, 2015, page 47

The i, April 8, 2015, page 14

The Sun, April 10, 2015, page 45

Evening Standard, April 13, 2015, page 47

New Statesman, 10-16 APRIL 2015, page 13

Boxing News, April 30, 2015, page 6

Friends Of The Chalet School, May 2015, front cover, pages 11-3, 16, 19, 20-22.

Evening Standard, June 9, 2015, page 49

The Sun, June 11, 2015, page 41

West End Extra, June 18, 2015, page 6
(Taha gave me hard copy of the above, but it was torn, so this is from the paper’s website).

Boxing News, June 26, 2015

Sun, July 10, 2015, page 43

The Sun, July 30, 2015, page 41

The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2015, Volume 33, Number 140, page 45

Friends Of The Chalet School, August 2015
The above PDF file consists of 6 pages including the front cover of the magazine.

West End Extra, August 14, 2015, page 7 (published anonymously)

West End Extra, August 21, 2015, page 8

Evening Standard, September 3, 2015, page 54

Boxing News, September 17, 2015, page 6

Ripperana, No. 94 OCTOBER 2015, page 20

Boxing News, October 15, 2015, page 6

The i, October 19, 2015, page 13

Daily Mai, October 22, 2015, page 59

The i, November 10, 2015, page 20

Daily Mail, November 30, 2015, page 53

MATURE TIMES, ISSUE NO 282 NOV/DEC 2015, page 18
I found the above publication in my local library on November 17, and found the letter by accident! I have though put it at the end of November, beginning of December.

The Friars’ Chronicle, Christmas 2015 Volume 33 Number 141, pages 49-50

The Sun, December 24, 2015, page 37

The i, January 4, 2016, page 14

West End Extra, January 22, 2016, page 11

City A.M., January 25, 2016, page 27

Times Educational Supplement, January 29, 2016

Boxing News, February 4, 2016, page 6

Daily Mail, February 4, 2016, page 57

NEW STATESMAN, 5-11 FEBRUARY 2016, page 11

The i, February 24, 2016, page 14

New Statesman, MARCH 18-31, 2016, page 10

The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2016, Volume 34, Number 142, page 46

Evening Standard, April 7, 2016, page 55

The i, April 11, 2016, page 11

Daily Mirror, April 12, 2016, page 4

The i, April 13, 2016, page 14

Boxing News, April 14, 2016, page 6

NEW STATESMAN, 22-28 APRIL 2016, page 16

Boxing News, May 5, 2016, page 6

Evening Standard, June 9, 2016, page 55

Daily Mail, June 14, 2016, page 5?

City A.M., July 13, 2016, page 19

Boxing News, JULY 21 2016, page 6


The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2016, Volume 34, Number 143, page 49

City A.M., August 8, 2016, page 15
Re the above letter from “Mark Taylor”, see the reply below from David Nowakowski.

City A.M., August 9, 2016, page 19

The Sun, August 17, 2016, page 38

Boxing News, AUGUST 18 2016, page 6
Re the above, Taha informs me that his letter actually begins from “It is conceivable...”

Boxing News, SEPTEMBER 1 2016, page 6

West End Extra, Friday 2 September 2016, page 11

Evening Standard, September 6, 2016, page 41

Boxing News, SEPTEMBER 8 2016, page 6

Boxing News, SEPTEMBER 15 2016, page 6

The above is a response to the Taha missive of the previous week by Jamie Fairclough of Woodbridge. I have included other correspondence rather than blank out the irrelevant parts or chop up the letter into three parts.

West End Extra, September 16, 2016, page 9

Spectator, September 17, 2016

Bella, 25 OCTOBER 2016, page 17

Daily Mirror, November 14, 2016, page 38

Daily Mirror, November 16, 2016, page 44
The above is a response to the Taha letter of November 14, 2016

The Call Boy, WINTER 2016, Volume 53, No 4, page 23

The Friars’ Chronicles, Christmas 2016, Volume 34, Number 144, page 44

City A.M., January 10, 2017, page 17

Ealing & Acton Gazette, January 13, 2017, page 14

The Sun, January 17, 2017, page 36

Evening Standard, January 18, 2017, page 47
The above includes two other letters and takes up considerable space, so I have used a link rather than a simple image display.

West End Extra, February 17, 2017, page 8


Camden New Journal, February 23, 2017, page 19

West End Extra, March 3, 2017, page 8


The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2017, page 45.

Ripperana, No. 100, APRIL 2017, page 13.

Boxing News, April 20, 2017, page 7

Daily Mail, April 26, 2017 - this is from the PressReader version.

Boxing News, May 11, 2017, page 6

New Statesman, 12-18 May, 2017, page 10

New Statesman, 19-25 May, 2017, page 10
The above is a reply to the Taha missive of May 12, 2017, above.

Times Educational Supplement, May 26, 2017

The i, May 31, 2017, page 20

Daily Mail, June 5, 2017

(London) Metro, June 21, 2017, page 15

Boxing News, June 22, 2017, page 6

The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2017, Volume 35, Number 146, page 45.

The Sun, July 5, 2017.

The i, July 11, 2017, page 18

Daily Mail, July 14, 2017

Times Educational Supplement, July 7, 2017, page 31.

The Sunday Telegraph, July 9, 2017, page 20

The i, July 13, 2017.

The i, July 19, 2017, page 18

Boxing News, August 3, 2017, page 6.

Boxing News, August 10, 2017, page 6.

Boxing News, September 14, 2017, page 6.

The i, September 18, 2017, page 18.

City A.M., September 19, 2017, page 20.

The i, September 23, 2017, page 18.
The letter below from David Buckingham is a reply to the above.

The i, September 25, 2017.

The i, September 28, 2017, page 20.

Ripperana, October 2017, page 13.

DAILY Mirror, November 22, 2017, page 43.

The i, December 3, 2017, page 18

Boxing News, January 18, page 6

The Imperialist Patriot, No. 38, page 6
The above is undated but Mark says it came through his door in February 2018; it is the renamed South African Patriot In Exile

Boxing News, February 1, 2018, page 6

The i, February 2, 2018, page 18

The i, February 21, 2018, page 16

The Ring, March 2018, page 8
The above is the first letter he has ever had published in this American magazine.

Wooster Sauce, March 2018, Number 85, page 5

Boxing News, MARCH 29, 2018, page 6

The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2018, page 48.

Prospect, APRIL 2018, page 4

The i, April 11 2018, page 16

Times Educational Supplement, April 13, 2018

Times, April 19, 2018, page 20

The i, April 20, 2018, page 18

The Spectator, May 12, 2018, page 26

Boxing News, May 17, 2018, page 4

Boxing News, June 7, 2018, page 6

The i, June 22, 2018, page 18

Times Educational Supplement, July 13, 2018

BOXING NEWS, JULY 19, 2018, page 6

BOXING NEWS, JULY 26, 2018, page 6

The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2018, Volume 36, Number 149, page 49

Boxing News, August 9, 2018, page 6

The i, August 28, 2018, page 16

The i, August 29, 2018, page 16

Wooster Sauce, September 2018, Number 87, page 8

The i, December 6, 2018, page 20

Boxing News, December 13, 2018, pages 44-5

The i, December 13, 2018, page 20

The Friars’ Chronicles, Christmas 2018, front cover & pages 37-8

Ripperana, January 2019, page 26
He wins a prize!

Boxing News, January 17, 2019, page 6

Evening Standard, February 4, 2019, page 18
The above was also published on the paper’s website.

Boxing News, February 7, 2019, page 6

Thank you letter from a boxing charity - see entry for April 4, 2019, (below).

The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2019, front cover & pages 43-4

Boxing News, April 4, 2019, page 11
Thank you to the very generous Mr Taha.

Boxing News, April 11, 2019, page 6.

The i, May 1, 2019, page 16

The i, May 2, 2019, page 16
The above is a response to the great man’s missive of May 1.

The i, May 7, 2019, page 16

Evening Standard, June 7, 2019, page 15
Mark Tahar indeed!

The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2019
The Great Man is the smirking idiot in the glasses.

Guardian, September 25, 2019, page 7

Daily Mail, October 8, 2019

Evening Standard, October 9, 2019, page 15

Sun, November 5, 2019, page 39

Boxing News, November 7, 2019, page 44

The i, November 21, 2019, page 16

The i, November 28, 2019, page 18


Movie Memories, December 2019, page 9

The Friars’ Chronicles, Christmas 2019
(The above PDF file contains the front cover and five pages including a letter).



Evening Standard (WEST END FINAL), January 9, 2020, page 15

Boxing News, January 30, 2020, page 6.

Daily Mail, January 31, 2020, page 70.

Daily Mail, February 14, 2020, page 70.
The above is a response to the question by Taha posed in the January 31 edition.

The i, February 28, 2020, page 18.

The Sun, February 28, 2020, page 40.

Daily Telegraph, March 3, 2020, page 19.

The i, March 14, 2020, page 20.

Yours Retro, JUNE 2020, page 35.

London Metro, June 5, 2020, page 10.

Boxing News, July 9, 2020, page 6

Boxing News, July 9, 2020, page 6

Boxing News, July 23, 2020, page 6.

Boxing News, July 30, 2020, page 6.

Solace Centre Lockdown Connection Newsletter issue 5, circa July 2020
The contribution from Mark T can be found on the second page of the above.

The i, August 28, 2020, page 18.

Solace Centre Newsletter, issue 10, undated but circa September 2020
The great man’s contribution is on the second page.

The i, October 22, 2020, page 20.

Yours Retro, December 2020, page 33.

The i, December 4, 2020, page 22.

The Friars’ Chronicles, Christmas 2020, page 50.

Taha Correspondence To 1990
Taha Correspondence 1991-2000
Taha Correspondence 2001-2010
Taha Correspondence From 2021

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