THE BULGER KILLERS: Was Justice Done? — Review

  By VennerRoad, 9th Feb 2018

Twenty-five years ago, two ten year old boys committed one of the most shocking murders in English criminal history.

The abduction of James Bulger

It is difficult to credit it has now been a quarter of a century since the poor quality but iconic CCTV image shown here was broadcast and published throughout the land. Although it is not clear, the young boy at the front of the picture is being led away by two ten year old boys.

The first thought of Denise Bulger after turning her back on her son momentarily was that he had wandered off. When the film was processed, it was believed his abductors were teenagers, and hoped this was perhaps some sort of sick joke. When what was left of him was found on a railway line two days later, the joke was removed and only the sick remained.

Obviously a crime of this nature would not remain unsolved for long; Robert Thompson and Jon Venables were arrested in short order. Just above the age of criminal responsibility, they were rightly tried as adults, and on their conviction were given a tariff of a mere eight years by a senile old...coot of a judge. Doubly senile, because nine years later, Mr Justice Morland would preside over Baron v Housmans at the High Court.

By the time this review was written, THE BULGER KILLERS: Was Justice Done? had already been uploaded to YouTube, so wherever in the world you live, you can check it out. It includes contributions from the lawyers of both boys, detectives, the victim’s mother, and much archive footage. Kelvin MacKenzie may not be the most likeable person you will ever meet, but his comment “That judge should hold his head in shame” is right on the money. The people herein who claim ten year olds don’t know the difference between right and wrong are talking rubbish. The average ten year old may not understand the concept of blackmail, be able to argue the rights or wrongs of prostitution, or the ethics of insider trading, but kids of that age know it is wrong to steal, that lying is frowned upon, and that simply hurting someone else wilfully is a no-no, so kidnapping a two year old boy and bashing his head with a brick is something they would clearly have understood.

Not only that, but not mentioned here is the fact that James was not the first child they tried to abduct. This was a clear act of joint enterprise, they lied about the kidnap and murder, crying to elicit sympathy, then when they realised the game was up, they blamed each other. What more could they do to show consciousness of guilt?

This programme is of course concerned largely with Venables, for while on his premature release Thompson vanished into the ether, Venables is back behind bars yet again, having been recalled to prison in 2010 for possessing child pornography. He has now been caught at it a second time, having in his possession what has been called a paeophile’s manual that explains how to “have sex with little girls...safely”. Presumably the best way is to kill them first.

Now thirty-six, Venables was given a sentence of forty months, which Denise Fergus (formerly Denise Bulger) slammed as too soft. That may be, but regardless of the idiots of the Parole Board who saw fit to release John Worboys, there is the little matter of his life licence. It is difficult to see Venables being released anytime soon, especially as there is clear evidence that he intended to follow the instructions of the paedophile manual. Perhaps when he is eventually released he can be transported to some unsavoury island away from the rest of Mankind. Gruinard would be an excellent choice.

The answer to the rhetorical question is then no, justice was not done, but hopefully it will be now.

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