Correspondence With Grand Conspiracy Nutter Eric Hufschmid


The short correspondence below – in screengrabs – took place as dated. A line of asterisks separates the rational from the insane. I can’t remember exactly how this conversation started but I think I was sent a link for one of his videos. As a dedicated Holocaust Revisionist of thirty years and having published two full length books on the subject I might just have taken umbrage at being portrayed as either a Jewish mischief maker or a paid shill, but Hufschmid has also accused not only Ernst Zündel but Fredrick Töben of being Jewish agents, though curiously he claims David Irving is a true hero of the Revisionist movement. Hmm.

He appears also to have got his perverted theologies mixed up, at least with regard to the nonsense about the 72 virgins.

It should not have surprised me that Hufschmid has himself been accused of working for Imperial Zion, such is the nature of the paranoid conspiracy crowd.

I know it is against Internet protocol to publish private correspondence without permission, but in view of not so covert death threats contained in his ramblings, I feel more than justified in so doing.

September 7, 2012









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